Monday, July 11, 2011


This week's chapter of Debbie Diller's book is all about Measurement.

Here are a bunch of non-standard sheets that are perfect for this:

Balloons- circus theme

Knights and Dragons for your fairy tales units

Doggy Bones- pets theme

Goldfish- ocean, sea, or pets units

Flags- perfect for flag day or 4th of July

Frogs- my favorite!

Fire Bears- perfect for Fire Safety

Candy- perfect for oh anytime you aren't hungry or after Easter or Halloween

Gingerbread and Gumdrops for your gingerbread units

Beakers- when you are feeling scientific

Frog Hops- my second favorite!

Fireworks- use around the 4th of July, Canada day, Chinese New Year, or to ring in the new year.

Bolts- great for construction theme

Dust Bunnies- either around spring, Easter, or Mother's day (for the help she needs!)

Bunny Rabbits- would fit in a spring unit

School Bus- great for the beginning of the school year

Clouds- for your weather unit

Carrots- delicious for a spring unit

Carrot tops- another good one for a spring unit

Film- for the movie star in all of us!

Band-aids- for an all about me unit

Cannonballs- would totally fit in the pirate theme

Baby Chicks and Ducks for your oviparous unit

Cupid's Arrow- use near valentine's day

Dice- works well around the 50th day of school for the 50's era

Elephants double and Elephants work well for a zoo unit or circus unit

1 comment:

1 Busy Bees said...

You have been busy with measurement. I love all of the theme options.