Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dollar Tree Tuesday's

So while I was searching at Target's Dollar Spot, I came across these critters:

I plan to use them for grater than or less than activities when I shine numbers on the board.

I honestly don't know what their purpose is- I think hot pad replacements maybe?


1 Amanda said...

Haha! Cute idea!


2 Mrs. Voss said...

Oh, so cute! That beats my almost scary REAL alligator head! LOL Check out my post for today I will show you what I mean!



3 Busy Bees said...

I love it!! Isn't it funny how we will buy stuff from Target for $1 and then get home and really have to think what is this? I think less than greater than sounds great!
Thanks for the BLOG alert, too!!

4 Mrs. Garrant said...

That is a fantastic idea! I love it.


5 LjP said...

They are definitely for getting hot stuff out of the oven. I have a red one, but its not a cute alligator!