Thursday, July 7, 2011

10 Things about me

10. I love the color purple!  From where I am sitting now here are the things that I can see that are purple:
 my iPhone case, towels, pens, paperclips, a blanket. scrapbooks, wedding flowers, Wii remote covers walls,  lantern light... lol

9. I collect frogs. Frog figures, frog socks, picture frames, stuffed animals, blanket, pens, pencils, and my pensive. I even have a frog bride and groom. Well again, this is what I can see lol

8. I love to sing.  I sing everything.  I sing in the classroom and at church for weddings and funerals.

7. I collect pens and pencils lol

6. I love to take photos and scrapbook.  I need a new camera- any suggestions???

5. I really like doing crafts.

4. I love to cook and bake, just like my gramma. She will be 91 this August! We have dinner with her almost every Wednesday.  It is my photo of the day! See #6

3. I love my Black Lab CJ. CJ stands for Caroline Jennifer.  CJ believes that our pool is hers and hers alone!

2. Tank the biggest 140 pound baby.  He is a Rottweiler. I know there are people that are afraid of them, but he is just big and scary looking. :)

1. I love teaching and can't see myself doing anything else :)


1 Busy Bees said...

Just found your blog and became your newest follower. Enjoyed learning more about you through your 10 things about me!

2 A.Lamb said...

We have a Rotweiller too. I call him my Guard Baby. He will lick you to death or just lift his head to make sure I am still ok.

I love reading your blog. I teach PK in Texas. Your ideas are awesome. Thanks.

3 Unknown said...

We have a lot in common. I love to sing, I love to scrap (I do Project Life) I have a Canon Ti1..LOVE IT! And I have a big baby too..he's a pit. The "scary" dogs are the sweetest, in my opion.

Kinder Kraziness

4 Rachel said...

Thanks for joining in my linky party! We have Wednesday night dinners with my Grandma too!

Go Fourth! With Mrs. Owens

5 Mel D said...

Love the pics of your labs & how do you find the time to scrapbook? Stop by my blog, follow me & find out about my 200 follower giveaway :o)
Peace, Mel D
Oh the Places We’ll Go