Monday, August 29, 2016


Those super cute organization boxes are all the rage.  
I was so ahead of the curve lol

I have stored my things in mine for almost 18 years lol

No photo of that :)

Additionally, I use several for my students.
No it's not cute.
But you know what?
It works and my students loved it and
used it daily!

This one is in our writing center.

Each letter has two drawers.

Letter stamper markers and stamps that begin with that letter.

Last week I wrote about those eraser containers I bought,
here are the drawers I've used in the past.

You see those missing drawers? 
Yeah, my mother took those for some unrelated need lol
I mean who takes the drawers?!?!?!!?!?!

I also use one to store my letters for Making Words.

I pull the drawers we need and the kids take the letters we need.
When they need more than one letter a make an additional row right above,
They really giggle when there is a third row, because they get to take 3 letters!

No photo, it's at school.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Dollar Tree Strikes Again!

Recently I stopped at the Dollar Tree

Some of those erasers from the dollar spot, the rest I store differently.
Check back next week to see how I store others.

5 Green and Speckled Frogs
and 5 Little Fishes* 

For our circus theme.

Sports shrinky dinks!  They had others as well.

Stickers, sandwich bags and tape for the 
Paw Patrol lover in your home :)

I was moving these out of the way to grab some sand molds,
but this would come in helpful
when playing spelling or math baseball :)

Adding these to our insect unit.

Glitter tape, backpack tags, and purple roller.
I plan to use the roller for art.

Phonemic Awareness Roll*

All my stuff didn't fit in my photo lol
Most is for our upcoming birthday party.

The spray bottles are to replace the spray chalk ones that didn't work.
The laundry bag is for sand toys. 

The large bowls, yarn-ish stuff, eyes, and the ring are for the party. 

* these ideas came from the video below:

Monday, August 15, 2016

Blogger meet up and PlanBook Giveaway!!!!!!

I recently attended the Wisconsin Blogger Meet Up. 

Make sure you enter to win your OWN planbook!!!!

For whatever reason, the drawing won't work :(

Just so you know that I am working very hard on making this successful and I'm sad that it won't.

Hop back to check to see if I got it figured out! 

  I'm not going to pay for a free drawing, so leave me a comment below and I will pick that way :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Teacher Exchange

I joined a teacher exchange in one of my *many* Facebook groups.  I thought that I would share what I sent my buddy.  Really why I bought her what I did!

Here is the whole photo:

Now here is the break down:

I would use these by putting them on index cards, laminating them and writing things on them for write the room. Or you could write math facts on them and do Math Around the Room too!

I would add to our math centers.

I would use these on our oil drip pans.

I was thinking of adding these to index cards as well for tactile learning.
 I plan on making a game board for these soon!
 Here are her very own Super Scents!
I have used these with Kindergartners through 2nd graders.
They are always a big hit.

I've used these for open house, but this year I was thinking to give for their birthday's!
Eraser that sticks to the board.
To make glue sponges.
I split each of these up into thirds.
We guess what each will be.