Monday, June 27, 2011

Pensive Calendars

Well it is almost July and I have run out of calendars for pensive for summer school. I don't know where I got the ones I used during the year so I made new ones :)

Take a look at it at TPT.

I will do a random giveaway on June 30th.

Here are your chances:

Be a follower of my blog :)
Follow me on Facebook.
Blog about this giveaway.
Tweet about this giveaway.
Send over a friend- tell me who you sent. (The more friends you send, the more entries you get!)


Anonymous said...

I follow your blog! Thank you :-) I found out about this because your post was on my blog roll!

Primary Connections

Anonymous said...

I follow your TPT store- is it bad to admit that I love using planning calendars? hmmm a planning calendar addict lol

Thank you!
Primary Connections

Anonymous said...

I blogged about your giveaway!

Primary Connections

4 The Four on Board said...

i am a follower!!!

5 Keys4Education said...

I am a follower! :o)

6 Ms Sidra said...

I follow your blog!

7 Ms Sidra said...

I follow you on Facebook!

8 SillyTeacher said...

I now follow your blog! Super cute ideas:)

9 SillyTeacher said...

I now follow your blog! Super cute ideas:)

10 SillyTeacher said...

I follow you on Facebook! YAY:)

11 SillyTeacher said...

I follow you on TpT now too:) Thank you:)

12 Mrs. Brown said...

I like you on FB!

kellybrown28021 at gmail dot com

13 Pam Everitt said...

I follow your blog!

14 Fun in First with Mrs. Ward said...

I now follow your blog!

15 Unknown said...

I follow your blog! these are cute!

16 Unknown said...

I follow you on Facebook :)

17 Maggie's Kinder Corner said...

You have been added to my facebook news feed :) I love calendars!!! I cross ref my calendars with my blackberry--it's a pretty "sweet" setup for me :) I will also post to my blog just because I think you have an awesome giveaway going here! Keep up the great work!

Maggie from

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog!


Anonymous said...

I now follow you on facebook!


20 Jo, aka, The Book Bug said...

I am a new follower of your blog!

21 Jo, aka, The Book Bug said...

I now follow you on FB! =)

22 Karen Stamp said...

I follow your blog!
Mrs. Stamp's Kindergarten

23 Karen Stamp said...

I just blogged about your giveaway!!
Mrs. Stamp's Kindergarten

24 Mrs.Capps said...

I love these calendars! I was thinking for me personally, I prefer not to have the numbers on the calendar that way I can re-use them and they won't be "out of date" :) THese are REALLY cute!!