
Pages Kinderpond

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Writing Board

We have started meeting once a week about our writing, just like we do for reading.

I taught the Cafe strategy for using the table of contents. I printed off Kim Adsit's journal topics for the kids and placed them in a binder. I made a table of contents and numbered the pages.

I don't have a permanent spot for writing so I made this Writing Board from one of those tri-fold science things. I debated on what to cover it with, but voted on black. I turned sheet protectors sideways to I can slide in writing choices. I can rotate their choices as needed. I also included a guide of what is expected when we write. 

I used one of those pocket charts from Target for the expectations:

*use 6/7 colors depending on our age for our picture.
* write to go along with what we drew
*use punctuation . ? !
*start with capital letters
*code date
*sound out words
*spelled star words correctly
*finger spaces
*Razzle Dazzle words
*Wrote more than 6 sentences.

 Here is a close up view of the pocket chart. I got the pocket chart from Target. I just clipped it on with clips, I would even use binder clips, they would be perfect! I decided against adding cutesy letters that say "Writing Center" to lessen the distractions.
I will tell you what a pain in the rear end it was to wrap this in bulletin board paper. The width was perfect so that was not the problem. I didn't want it to stay flat, but I wanted to be able fold and unfold the board. 

I set it up with the sheet protectors open to the edges, so I can change the chioces as needed.  I included my sample in the Make a Book if they needed reminding :)

1 comment:

  1. It looks fantastic! I too use trifold boards & wrap them . They are a pain but I love that they can be stored as it & don't have to be taken apart & reassembled every year. I cut the paper on the folds so that the paper doesn't pucker when folded. Then I just tape everything down in the back. :) Thanks for sharing.

    Ms. M
    Ms.M's Blog
    A Teacher's Plan
