
Pages Kinderpond

Friday, March 18, 2011

Seuss Day- 13 Green Eggs and Ham

Today was St. Patty's day, so I had the kids wear green and read the book Green Eggs and Ham.

I got this cool shirt for Christmas, so I wore it today. Even had Grinch socks but I didn't wear them- I debated for a while, but I opted for my St. Patty's day socks instead. :)

We aren't reading the Grinch Who Stole Christmas, but I am still showing my love for the Grinch :)

We read the book and followed the recipe from Kim Adsit's Hooray for Seuss unit on making green eggs. We then drew and wrote how to make them using her writing frame.

I brought in my electric skillet in to make green eggs. You would not believe how excited they were to cook! I brought in my silicon wisk from Pampered Chef for them to scramble an egg. They had a blast, I couldn't believe how excited they were to cook!!!!

 One of the other first graders was handing these out- said there were pot of gold ones, but they were all gone :( How adorable!!!

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